School Initiatives

With close to two decades of experience in education, Anthony has adeptly maneuvered through various roles, each affording him the opportunity to learn, unlearn and relearn as it pertains to setting direction and contributing to school life in a positive way.

The following examples showcase initiatives that Anthony has either led or co-led in his capacity as Secondary School Vice Principal.

Saint Oscar Romero CSS (2021 – 2023)

Website Designer, Webmaster, Videographer and Social Media Communications
Co-Moderated a parent/community outreach series promoting social and emotional learning.
Over the course of two academic school years, created dozens of short videos documenting school life and celebrating student voice. The voices were shared on social media and posted on the Saint Oscar Romero school website:
Co-Moderated a parent engagement workshop focused on goal setting and self-regulation.
Co-Moderated a parent engagement workshop promoting community and allyship.
Moderated a weekly lunch games room with the goal to promote a safe, inclusive and welcoming school.
Co-Moderated a special Cineplex screening of student video works and short films.
With a cultural responsive approach to storytelling, this video highlights Frame and the students celebrated on the big screen at Yorkdale Silver City.
Moderated a staff-focused weekly “connection series,” with the goal to promote staff unity and well-being.
Moderated a student-led conversation promoting the power of voice.
Co-Moderated a youth connection program with Toronto Police Service.

St. Anne Catholic Academy, School of Virtual Learning (2020 – 2021)

Co-Moderated a virtual faith day for staff, students and families.
Coordinated K-12 Extra-Curricular programming for virtual students.
Developed and moderated the hashtag #TCDSBVSFAM
Co-Developed and moderated a K-12 Orientation Module for virtual students.

Chaminade College School (2020)

Coordinated several town-halls during the first wave of COVID-19.
Co-moderated a grade 9 virtual summer school portfolio workshop series
Co-Moderated an equity based virtual town hall, which was featured in the Toronto Star.
Moderated student outreach during the first-wave of COVID-19.
Coordinated student-based initiatives that promote mental health and well-being.